Female Infertility

Female Infertility Treatment in Hyderabad

Female Infertility Treatment

At White Rose Fertility, we provide the best female infertility treatment in Hyderabad. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), women under age 35, who have been trying to get pregnant for twelve months or more without success, are strongly encouraged to see a reproductive specialist. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), women under age 35, who have been trying to get pregnant for twelve months or more without success, are strongly encouraged to see a reproductive specialist. ASRM recommends women over 35 see a specialists after 6-months of trying without success.

Various factors related to female infertility are mentioning below.

Female Infertility

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), women under age 35, who have been trying to get pregnant for twelve months or more without success, are strongly encouraged to see a reproductive specialist. ASRM recommends women over 35 see a specialists after 6-months of trying without success.

Various factors related to female infertility are mentioning below.

Evaluation of Female Infertility?

To provide the best female infertility treatment in Hyderabad, the doctor performs a thorough diagnosis. Initial screening of sub-fertility in women is conducted through:


Factors Responsible

Advanced Age

Our specialist female infertility doctor in Hyderabad says that when it comes to overcoming infertility, age is the biggest barrier on our path to success.

With advance age the first challenge would be egg count. For example, at birth if a woman has nearly one million eggs by the time she’s in her early thirties, her pool of eggs has decreased substantially

Ovulation Problem

Anovulation is the absence of ovulation. Irregular and unreliable ovulation can lead to irregular cycles. A common cause of irregular ovulation is PCOS. There are a range of treatments available for anovulation like ovulation induction drugs and natural intercourse, or In Vitro Fertilization.


PCOS is the most common endocrinopathy affecting reproductive aged women. The incidence varies from 8- 10 %. PCOS accounting for 80-90 percent of women suffering from menstrual order. It is well recognized that PCOS is not necessarily a disease but rather a cluster of features

Fibroid Uterus

Uterine fibroids are the commonest benign growth occurring in women of reproductive age. The incidence of fibroid in reproductive age women is 20-50 percent. Almost 5-10 percent of women with infertility will have fibroids. 

Poor Ovarian Reserve

Age-related decrease fertility has become an increasing challenge for infertility patients. Chances of natural conception as well as success of any fertility treatment (IUI/IVF) decrease dramatically with increasing age due to exhaustion of pool of ovarian follicle.


Endometriosis affect one in 10 women of reproductive age group worldwide. Endometriosis is a long term, recurrent, and debilitating disease. Endometriosis is a condition in which the same cells as in the endometrium (lining of womb) grow outside of the womb, most

Tubal Factor

The fallopian tubes are the place for meeting of sperm and egg. If any pathology is there it will impact your chances of getting pregnant. Tubal disease contributes to 25-35% of female infertility. The main cause for tubal infertility is inflammation of tubes.

Tips for Improving Female Sexual Health

Our expert  female infertility doctor in Hyderabad at White Rose Fertility provides patients with some important tips to improve sexual health:


Frequently asked questions

Regular health check-ups can help flag any underlying health conditions that can potentially impact fertility in women. Additionally, living a healthy lifestyle by managing stress, eating a balanced diet, and regular physical activity can help boost fertility.

Contact Us

Location :

Madhapur –
Bizness Square, First floor, Opposite to Hitex Arch 16, Hitec City Road, near Shilparamam, Hyderabad, Pin- 500081 

Financial District –
5th Floor, Pavani Encore building, Main Road, Khajaguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500089

Email: helpdesk@whiterosefertility.com

Phone: +91 9963727025

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